Thursday 6 November 2008

Emotionally damaged

Can one man or, dare i say it - woman make a difference?

I say yes.

If you are unfortunate enough to have recieved bad parenting as you grew up - then you're bound to be a little fucked up.

Now, i'm all for people having happy and carefree lives, and childhoods. However, in my opinion - all the very best people in my life are a little damaged.

Maybe that's not quite the best word - shall we say "had a bit of a shit time" instead?

That would be glorious of you to agree...thank you.

So, why do i think this?

Mainly, i think going through the mill a little growing up - toughens the soul. It genuinely helps you to stagger through life just that little bit better as you get older. That reminder that you got through some awful business as a kid; that remains with you - a gentle kick up the arse whenever the little things get you down.

Some mewling shit-bag at work? Meh...who cares, he's probably at home eating a frey bentos pie and wanking into the empty tin before going off to bed and reading FHM.

Going through that tough time gives you a dignified spark to say "oh fuck really doesnt matter." It gives you an emotional distance i would say from the day to day rubbish we step on or over.

There is one downside, nay caveat to my post - and that is this. If you have such a bad time as a kid, you may well die.

This post will also reveal my one major rule in life - that if adopted world wide - would solve a lot of problems.

"If we all truly love and look after those we care about, and do no harm to them emotionally or physically...then we would have a better world"

Idealistic bullshit in most respects, and clumsily written. But if you take those thoughts on board - and try them out, however hard they may be to adhere to - then your life will truly improve.

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