Sunday 9 November 2008

The Wonderful Witty of Was

A lot of things make me angry. The general dumbing down of people in Britain for example.

We are genuinely getting more and more stupid. Why do you think that is?

Well, a lot of people seem to blame the hippies. All that free love and free thinking - what good could ever come out of that eh?

Fuck off. I blame the punks. The 70s "i don't care" attitude. The hippies genuinely DID care. Look at all the sit-ins, protests and mayhem rife throughout that peace and love generation. Wierd when you look back...

The love generation...when what you had around you was a big fucking war that never made sense, if you were black you were third rate. Women could only just fuck without being made to feel guilty over it - and Mods and Rockers regularly knifed, kicked and punched the fuck out of each other.

Peace and love man - peace and love!

Back to the punks...

I fucking hated that youth movement - gobbing, being "desolate and wasted". Bullshit. Kids rebelling against the establishment yeah? Yet, the biggest band to come out of that, the Pistols, signed for major record companies - took a shit load of money, yet sung about "no future"...well, signing for a million quid is a pretty comfy future if you ask me.

Surely as soon as you took the shilling, you were a sell out? You became "the establishment"? And just cos you can say "dirty fucker" live on tv - well, that's hardly new. It was in fact, done in the 60s before. Nothing knew (sic) about that.

So, the punks, that ethos of not caring, of destroying the establishment. Of rebelling and not doing as you're told by "the man". What happened to those people? For me, there's nothing sadder than a middle aged goth or punk.

Punks grew up, got jobs, got pregnant and got mortgages. Became like everyone else for the main. Just another phase of excitement - all that spunk and anger turned to piss and vinegar. As they had kids; giving them a "couldn't care less" attitude. Those kids grew up with not much to look up to, they saw their parent(s) spout rhetoric about anti this, anti that. Where did it get them?

I think it helped create the chav. A different uniform, a different music, but still the "fuck you guv" attitude. Taking what they want, without giving much back. Selfish, egocentric - even if they couldnt spell the word. Shit music, shit people, shit lives.

Be careful what part of youth culture you choose to join people, you could end up ruining your kids. To be a true rebel - you'd surely not join any movement at all?

Friday 7 November 2008

When is a belief not a belief

I find it hard to swallow all this religious business. Don't get me wrong, people are always looking for a good excuse to not take responsibility over something - but religion..pah.

I understand throughout all the holy handbooks that the underlying principle is love and kindness. Unless, of course, you happen to follow a different holy handbook.

So i have to ask myself this...

Taking into account that for the majority of people, religion is just down to where you are born. That's right. Your strictly held beliefs are in nature, random.

It depends on what family you are born into, where that family is in the world, and what religions are on offer around those parts.

No cognative choice in general. Muslim begat muslim, christian begat christian and so on.

So, the irony being - that the belief in the big bang, is usually something you discover, and then choose to believe in it. Whereas with religion you are told and gently brainwashed into it - with no choice in that matter whatsoever. Unless you escape or grow up.

It seems to me, that religion should be a free choice, rather than something that is forced upon you. Religiorape. Before you know it, you have a god being forced into you at a moments notice.

The randomness of the big bang, vs the randomness of the where you are born dictates what religion you follow.

You dont see many zen buddhists in Iraq for example. I wonder why?

The only good lads in religion are Zen Buddhists, no god - buddha was not a god, but a man. A set of psychological puzzles in the shape of koans to mull over. Stretch our indolent brain a little. That's a good thing.

Moral guidelines we need, but they dont have to have the power of a god behind them to exist and work. We seem to absolve ourselves of moral responsibilities these days. The Catholic Church having a meeting to decide what to do with a glut of paedo-priests. "Yes, what shall we do with those naughty fellows? Any ideas? Anyone?"


Plus, i've never seen any other corporation (yes, religion is nothing but a corporation in my eyes) - need money continuously - despite being the richest people on earth. Where's that eye of the needle when you need it eh?

Thursday 6 November 2008

Emotionally damaged

Can one man or, dare i say it - woman make a difference?

I say yes.

If you are unfortunate enough to have recieved bad parenting as you grew up - then you're bound to be a little fucked up.

Now, i'm all for people having happy and carefree lives, and childhoods. However, in my opinion - all the very best people in my life are a little damaged.

Maybe that's not quite the best word - shall we say "had a bit of a shit time" instead?

That would be glorious of you to agree...thank you.

So, why do i think this?

Mainly, i think going through the mill a little growing up - toughens the soul. It genuinely helps you to stagger through life just that little bit better as you get older. That reminder that you got through some awful business as a kid; that remains with you - a gentle kick up the arse whenever the little things get you down.

Some mewling shit-bag at work? Meh...who cares, he's probably at home eating a frey bentos pie and wanking into the empty tin before going off to bed and reading FHM.

Going through that tough time gives you a dignified spark to say "oh fuck really doesnt matter." It gives you an emotional distance i would say from the day to day rubbish we step on or over.

There is one downside, nay caveat to my post - and that is this. If you have such a bad time as a kid, you may well die.

This post will also reveal my one major rule in life - that if adopted world wide - would solve a lot of problems.

"If we all truly love and look after those we care about, and do no harm to them emotionally or physically...then we would have a better world"

Idealistic bullshit in most respects, and clumsily written. But if you take those thoughts on board - and try them out, however hard they may be to adhere to - then your life will truly improve.


Before we start, some things must be made clear...

I will probably contradict myself at times - and my punctuation is not the best. Oh and my spelling will probably test your patients.

See what i did there?

Now, if we can swallow that - maybe we can get along? Or if not, at least argue nicely.

If not, please feel free to fuck off and read another pretentious blog.

All the best,

PS - oh and the point of this thing? Dunno yet. I'll talk about whatever i fancy. Comedy, films, books, people, magic, mind reading and the occassional character assassination too.